

Humf is a British animated children's television program featuring a "furry thing" called Humf. The show centres around the title character and his daily life with his friends and family. The show, each episode of which is about 7 minutes long, is produced by King Rollo Films and Rubber Duck. It is narrated by Caroline Quentin and it is broadcast on Nick Jr and Nick Jr 2.

First Release: Oct 03, 2008

Duration: 7m



Episodes: 78


Director: Andrew Brenner

IMDb: 10/10

Season 1 Full Episode List

1. Humf's Painting2. Loon's New Handbag3. Wallace Pretends Too Much4. Loon's Pushchair5. Humf Goes Very High6. Wallace's Quiet Game7. Humf's Red Mittens8. Humf Climbs A Mountain9. Uncle Hairy's Restaurant10. Uncle Hairy's Cinema11. Humf And The Fluffy Thing12. Mum And Dad's Party13. Humf's Shadow14. Humf Hangs Up The Laundry15. Humf Is Hiding16. Humf And The Scary Thing17. Humf's Special Stick18. Humf And The Hole In The Park19. Humf And The Balloons20. Humf's Special Cup21. Humf's Ball22. Humf And The Tickle Monster23. Humf And The Moon24. Humf And All The Stars25. Uncle Hairy's Band26. Humf Goes Fast27. Humf's New Word28. Humf Gets Lost29. Humf Bakes Biscuits30. Humf In The Fog31. Slow Down, Wallace32. Humf And The Big Boots33. Wallace's Bath34. Humf And The Ants35. Humf's Friends36. Humf Is A Furry Thing37. Humf's Favourite Book38. Humf Wakes Up Early39. Humf's Picnic40. Loon's Best Friend41. Wallace's Favourite Toy42. Sitting Next To Uncle Hairy43. Loon's Ballet Lesson44. Humf's Surprise45. Humf and the Bedbugs46. Humf and Wallace Fall Down47. Humf Changes His Mind48. Humf's Dad Goes on an Aeroplane49. Crispy Cakehead is Sad50. Loon's House51. Humf and the Wind52. Humf Puts it in the Bin53. Humf's Dog54. Humf and Loon's Special Treat55. Wallace's Tie56. Uncle Hairy's Keys57. Mum's Flower58. Fireman Wallace59. Loon's Treasure60. Loon's Jack in the Box61. Humf's Splinter62. Wallace Won't Come Home63. Wallace's Bubbles64. Uncle Hairy's Take Away65. Loon's Paddling Pool66. Humf Goes Swimming67. Humf's New Name68. Humf's Busy Family69. Loon's Blackboard70. Humf is Very Big71. Humf's Mum's Phone72. Everybody Copies Uncle Hairy73. Humf's Dad Stays in Bed74. Flora Comes to Babysit75. Loon Goes Far Away76. Loon Gets Stuck77. Uncle Hairy's Magic78. Wallace Gets Very Cross